Thursday, July 10, 2008

Finally A Blog!

Finally, Josh has a blog for all his fans (mainly all his Grandmas :)  This is also an attempt to keep up with how fast he changes!  Soon he'll have a little sister to blog about as well!  This is an old picture, but new ones are on the way.  He is growing so much i can hardly keep up.  I think he learns a new word almost every day now.  His latest is when he is getting into something he knows he isn't supposed to, and i say, "Josh" in my best warning mother tone, and he turns around and holds both his hands palms up, shrugs his shoulders and says, "what?".  Needless to say sometimes it's a hard task to discipline him because he just makes me laugh.  The problem is, he knows it.  Right now he loves any kind of ball, swimming, his puppy Daisy, talking on the phone, watching movies (his favorites include Monsters Inc., Cars, Bugs Life and Finding Nemo) and he looks forward all day to when Daddy comes home to play with him.  He brightens my life and brings me so much joy, I can't imagine what life would be like without him.  

1 comment:

werewolf™ said...

i think i am blogging more than you...